Medical Laboratory Science


Phlebotomists draw blood for tests, transfusions, research, or blood donations. Phlebotomists work mainly in hospitals, medical and diagnostic laboratories, blood donor centers, and doctors’ offices.

Utah Tech University offers a one-semester phlebotomy course. Participants must have excellent interpersonal skills and a strong interest in the healthcare field. Students are required to practice venipuncture procedures on each other as part of the laboratory experience. View more details about the course here.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate proficient skill collecting high quality blood specimens via venipuncture and dermal puncture.
  2. Communicate effectively as a member of interdisciplinary healthcare teams providing exemplary patient care.

Fees & Other Costs

  • The course fee is $50.00 for the cost of consumable supplies used during the skill development exercises.
  • The cost for the mandatory drug screen is $30.00
  • The estimated total cost for required immunizations and/or blood testing ranges from $100.00-$300.00 (depending on health insurance coverage)
    • Typically, lowest costs can be found at any state health department
    • Required screenings and immunizations are also offered at reasonable cost at the UT Booth Wellness Center
UT Booth Wellness Center

Compliance Requirements

Students taking this course are required to meet certain health and safety standards. The following requirements are mandatory and must be completed by deadlines given upon course registration.


  • Drug screen
  • Tuberculosis (TB): Either of the following TB tests performed within the past 12 months is acceptable:
    • Blood test (QuantiFERON Gold or T-SPOT.TB) with negative result
    • Proof of two separate TB skin tests (administered at least 7 days apart and within 1-3 weeks of each other), both with negative result


  • Hepatitis B: Proof of 3 vaccinations and a positive antibody titer (showing immunity/reactivity) demonstrated by a lab report
College of Health Sciences Fit for Study Procedures

Part-Time Instructors

Roxanne Strausser, AS, CP Phlebotomy

P/T Instructor


Jesse Ulloa

P/T Instructor



Gayle Husselbee

Program Director


Phone: 435-879-4466

Office: Taylor 257

Cindy Clark

Academic Advisor


Phone: 435-879-4809

Office: HPC 343

Katie Reeves

Administrative Assistant


Phone: 435-879-4820

Office: Taylor 258