Pre-Licensure BSN Program

Program Requirements

Upon admission, nursing students will be required to meet and maintain certain health and safety standards.  Specific details regarding these requirements will be given to students with the acceptance letter, and must be completed by the due date indicated. Additionally, students have a full course load with mandatory lab and clinical schedules.

CNA Certification

  • Proof of prior or current CNA certification or LPN licensure from any US state

Background Check & Drug Screen

  • Required after acceptance into the program, the Nursing Department will order & pay for the background check.
  • Drug screen results dated after acceptance into the program will be accepted, must be a 9 panel drug screen.

CPR Card

  • American Heart Association BLS with AED Certification
    • First Aid course is not required
  • Must be kept valid throughout the program
  • May be taken through the UT EMS Program or enroll into AHA or DXATC
  • MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
    • 2 immunizations OR antibody titer showing immunity to each disease
  • Hepatitis B
    • Series of 3 immunizations
    • Antibody titer (blood test) proving immunity
      • If it has been greater than 15 years since receiving the hepatitis B series, it is highly recommended that you receive a hepatitis B booster vaccination, wait 28-30 days, and then have the antibody titer level drawn.
  • TDaP (Tetanus, Diphtheria, & Pertussis)
    • Proof of 1 TDaP vaccination after age 10
      • DTaP, TD, DTP do not substitute
  • Varicella (Chicken Pox)
    • 2 immunizations OR antibody titer proving immunity
    • Report of having the disease is not acceptable
  • Tuberculosis
    • 2 separate TB skin tests within 12 months of each other OR negative QuantiFERON blood test
  • Seasonal Influenza
    • Required each year after August 31
  • Covid Vaccination
    • If vaccine requires: proof of two (2) Covid-19 vaccinations
    • If vaccine requires: proof of one (1) Covid-19 vaccination
Student Schedule

Due to student schedule requirements, we strongly discourage outside employment for nursing students. Refer to the following schedule overview of the first two semesters.

  • Classroom courses are taught on Tuesdays and Fridays
    • Times are generally 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
    • Breaks between classes are 30-120 minutes
      • Students can use 2 microwaves at the east side of the Taylor Health Science building.
      • There is a nursing refrigerator for student use on the third floor of the Taylor Health Science building.
  • Clinical and Lab days are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
    • Students are assigned day shift/night shift depending on availability
      • Day Shift – approx. 6:00 am until 2:00 pm
      • Evening Shift – approx.  12:00 pm until 8:00 pm
  • Example Schedule
    • Monday: Lab (3-4 hours)
    • Tuesday: Class from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm
    • Wednesday: Clinical (8 hours, am or pm) or Lab (3-4 hours)
    • Thursday: Lab (3-4 hours) or Clinical (8 hours, am or pm)
    • Friday: Class from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm
    • Saturday/Sunday: Not required


Alicia Frank

Administrative Assistant


Phone: 435-879-4810

Fax: 435-879-4829

Office: Taylor 304

Karen Davis

Advisor: Freshman & Sophomore less than 60 credits


Phone: 435-879-4627

Office: HPC 342

Sanja Pantovic

Advisor: Junior & Senior 60 or more credits


Phone: 435-879-4813

Office: Taylor 306

Gina Taualii

Advisor: Freshman & Sophomore less than 60 credits


Phone: 435-879-4797

Office: HPC 346